Do you love Bnei Brak?! From afar?
Hertzog College and the “Ad Hena” Center are honored to invite you to a series of Zoom meetings during upcoming Chol Hamoed Pesach with some of the center’s researchers, residents of Bnei Brak.
A time of crisis is also a time when fears resurface, and the divisions between us and surrounding us are felt more strongly. A time of crisis is also a time when we are tested. In the past few days, the haredi community has risen to the headlines, in a variety of complex contexts: discipline, responsibility, worry, blame, lockdown, martial law, and more. We are all experiencing these things from completely different perspectives and feeling various emotions, usually complicated in and of themselves.
Hertzog College has been running a research center titled “Ad Hena” over the past five years, and its researchers are haredim living in various communities from Bnei Brak to Ashdod. To take a small part in rectifying the situation and promoting a discussion that is more open and personal and less media-influenced, we invite you to join us as we virtually visit the homes of two of our colleagues, as a sort of Zoom hosting experience. Two meetings will take place, each at one or both of the houses. We’ll hear a little about life in haredi cities now and in general, and we’ll discuss the particular concerns these people and their communities have.